
the website of MANTRA


Welcome to exfix.org.uk.   

This is a website for MANTRA, the Manchester Trauma and Reconstructive Association.

MANTRA is a group of orthopaedic  frame and reconstructive surgeons in the Manchester Area.

We meet on a quarterly basis to discuss interesting our difficult cases and keep up to date on developments in our specialist field.

Reconstructive surgery is a subspeciality with many challenging, but rewarding, clinical problems.

There are relatively few surgeons in the Manchester area who perform this type of surgery. Our group recognises the need to meet, discuss and learn from each other for the purposes of clinical governance and to provide the optimal advice and treatment for our patients by pooling our experience and knowledge.

To find out about the Emergency External Fixation Course, please click on the button to the left.



Home Page
Basic Ex-Fix Coursecourse.html
Interesting CasesCases.html
Contact NumbersContact_Information.html
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